Sunday, November 30, 2008

Morning Shopping | Penang Jazz Island Festival | Piss me Off Retarded Myspace People

Tengok ape dah aku beli pepagi ni!

(Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash)

Serius telinga jadi fresh je pas gune produk ni, tadi g beli kat Guardian Pharmacy. Korang jangan guna cottonbud tau. Tu menjejaskan lagi pendengaran ade la.


(Sandal Rasmi untuk ke Penang Jazz Island Festival)

Yes beli tadi jugak, agak cantik kan? Padan la dengan seluar khakis Cream Color aku dan baju bermuda bunga-bunga style Aloha. Jazz music by the beach? Simplt the best!!!
I want to look good for you ohhh baby!



Manusia ni kan ade terbahagi pada 2 jenis dalam myspace ni. First, matured dan secondly is childish.


You create myspace account, you don't give a shit about other people. You just socialite in the cyber world and looking for person that has potential to meet in the real life. Apart from being friendly you also a very careful person. People like you makes other people wants to know you more. Either in real world or cyber world.


You create myspace account, you threaten to delete your account and friends. You've changed your way of thinking. Myspace is non longer needed as you have grown to be a FAKE matured person.
Get a life. Nobody is truely matured in this world. Every acts of matured people is a lie. They also human like you and made mistakes which prevent them from constantly being matured.

Read this facts:-
1) Don't be retarded. Nobody cares about you and your gibberish rubbish on the net, Except peeps who loves you.

2) Is it necessary to eliminate a social service than posible to keep you and your graduated friends in touch which available in the internet like myspace?

3) Who the hell are you to judges other people thinking about you? If you can't accept it. Than go away. You're just the next looser.


There is NO SUCH THING as
a myspace tracker
it does NOT exist
so quit posting stupid bulletins like
"OH-MY-GOD this WORKS!!!"
no, it doesnt, you RETARD

To the people who have like 1,000 friends,
are you serious?
You don't know half of your friends.

You're stupid.

Go play in traffic.

Don't ever post pictures and say
"OMG, I'm so ugly"
"OMG, I'm so fat"
because if you were,
you wouldn't post them.

Nobody cares about threats
over the internet.

Don't try to act like you're
hardcore with the keyboard
Fighting online is like racing
in the special olympics;
even if you win, you're still retarded.

Quit crying
because you're not on someones top 8.

who cares?
Apparently they don't want you on there.



Who really cares if
I don't accept you as a friend?
Don't send me another request
or message asking
"what's up with you not adding
I don't want you as a friend,
that's what's up!!!

Little 6th graders who have
MySpace and look like sluts,
and act like hoes
go somewhere else
because nobody wants you here..
And Parents
quit blaming myspace for your
kid being
a hooker, she was a hooker before
myspace, and she'd be a hooker
without it!
What does that say about your
parenting skills? Think about it!

People who have to BEG for pic
comments, etc, should get a hint.

People dont care about your little
pics of yourself that you took in the mirror.

Real friends will look without being asked.

If you have decided to read this,
you are a true MySpace Friend.

Real friends read their bulletins.

I say you go and pass this on
and maybe it will finally get through
people's brain!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Kereta Proton BLM yang Rosak

Tarikh 29 November 2008

6:00 AM: Bangun tido dan get ready.
6:30 AM: Angkat bagasi aku ke kereta untuk disimpan.
6:35 AM: Tolong hantar Hood dengan Zul ke stesen bas Medan Gopeng Ipoh.
7:00 AM: Breakfast dengan Lokman.
7:00 AM: Serah kunci bilik hotel kat receiptionist. Hotel Seri Malaysia Ipoh je.
7:30 AM: Sampai rumah Matpid.
8:00 AM: Hantar Mady pulak ke stesen bas Medan Gopeng Ipoh.
8:25 AM: Gerak terus ke Tapah dengan Matpid sebab ade job photography.
9:00 AM: Snap Snap gambar Fairuz dan Murina bertunang.
12:00 PM: Gerak balik ke Ipoh.
12:30 PM: Singgah Simpang Pulai Ipoh kat Kg. Kepayang sebab nak snap gambar rumah lama.

******KISAH BERMULA******
Aku : Woih afsal enjin keluar asap ni!?
Matpid: Woi Shah blah dari keta woi nak meletup ni!!
Aku: (CUAK) blah cepat amek kamera kat berlakang tu lekas!
Matpid: Huiiih macam mana bleh terbakar enjin ni ke apa ni?
Aku: Lorh... Tengok ada leaking la kat bawah enjin...

Matpid: Hmmm habis dah kereta ni...
Shah: Hahaha dah tak virgin...(pecah dara). Eh, jap cek enjin.
Matpid: Macam berterabur cecair merah dalam ruang enijn.
Shah: Hish dah la kredit dah habis...
Matpid: Nah guna hp aku ni

******Kereta kena tarik dengan tow truck insurans******

(Gambar ni semua kerja Matpid)

Adoyai... Amende la Proton ni... Aku gune produk nasional kot... Kata kereta ni kualiti terjamin...
Apa sudah jadi ni Proton??? Minyak gear box auto aku bocor. Macam mane bleh bocor ni?!! Memang pukimek la kilang Proton ni sial. Menyirap habis aku tadi. Ingatkan boleh la balik
awal pastu tido sebab penat snap gambar orang bertunang tad... Ah! Aku nak komplain kat
Proton! Ade ke patut gune pengikat besi pili paip cap ayam mane ntah untuk ikat host minyak gearbox auto aku.

******Gambar masa kena towing daa...******

(Masa ni tengah nyanyi lagu "Row Row Row Your boat")

(Memposingkan diri berbelakangkan towing truck tu)

******Sambung cerita******
Matpid: Huih macam naik roller coaster!
Shah: Ngeri plak aku tgk terangkat kereta ni... Macam nak putus je kabel towing tu.
Matpid: Aku pakai seatbelt dulu papehal.
Shah: Hahaha ni teknologi baru proton ni! Auto-Stering...
Matpid: Alang-alang lagu Meet Uncle Hussin-Pari-pari bawah angin ni. Baik wat video!
Shah: Video die semua nyanyi happy je dalam kete termasuk driver. Tapi stereng rilek je.
Matpid: Semua orang hairan macam mana bleh kereta elok je. Padahal driver tgh main guitar!
Shah: Last sekali dalam video tu kantoi kat kamera nampak towing truck hahahaha
Matpid: hahaha sempoi.

So kita sambung balik pada keseronokan menaiki kereta kena towing ni... hahaha kelakar tul sebab semua orang ushar je kat kereta dengan dua manusia berlagak normal dalam kereta tu huhuhuhu. Ade sampai sorang pakcik terkejut tgk kami dalam kereta. Terbeliak mata dia hahahaha. Matpid lagi la sempoi, siap borak-borak dengan macha mane ntah naik motor sebelah kereta aku yang sedang di towing hahaha semoga ko masuk lobang parit depan tu ye Encik Macha. Padan muka.

Ni aku nak komplain dan buat luahan perasaan aku terhadap pengeluar kereta tempatan kita ni. PROTON. AKu ingatkan biler korang dah ade leader baru dalam kompeni korang, korang berubah la sikit jadi lebih inovasi dan produktif. Kualiti meningkat ke ape ke. Tapi korang memang bikin aku bebal la bai... Aku dengan Matpid sampai je kat Proton Edar Servis di Lahat, Mengelembu Ipoh aku terus je tanya pegawai bertugas kat situ kenapa dengan kereta saya sampai tetiba breakdown tak nak bergerak ni??? Tahu tak ape pegawai tu cakap?
"Oh kereta encik ni sebenarnya Auto Gear Host die tercabut. Factory fault"
Korang tengok tu.... Selambar je cakap,

Photophobia Photography Service

Photophobia Photography Service congratulates to the beautiful engagement ceremony of Fazril and Zarina on Saturday 29th November 2008!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

So we heard rumors and stories of intelligent beings interfere with us here on Earth? Area 51, Roswell, so many alien species and lots more? Guess what. Those are the scums of universe. Here are the good guys. Simplified version of non-hostile alien races list available on Earth in a table!

Extraterrestrial Races Outside the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex

Process On The Go

Oh WOW! For the first time in my life.. My very own blog. I want to talk from things I LOVE the most until the things we least talk the most. So be prepare... There might be some conspiracy you might interested to know. As soon as I begin to blogging. By the way, call me Endamus. High Order of The Light.